About this Blog

Welcome to our new blog, this is work in progress so please be patient as we get it all sorted out.

This blog relies on a site called eResources. eResources enables students to access material that has been published online; including class notes, timetables, workbooks, media clippings and any other course related information that has been uploaded by teachers. To access eResources, go to http://eresources.tafensw.edu.au/ or use the link at the top right of this page

Option 1 Click on the eresources link, put the ID no. in the Resource ID box (ID no.s will soon start appearing on this blog, or your teacher might give them to you) and click on search, click on the title, scroll down and click on retrieve file, you can then either open the file or save it.

Option 2 You can also find documents clicking on the eresources link and filling in one of the boxes on the Search eResources page. Eg. the keyword search will search across all the different fields.

Option 3 (the easiest) click on the links that teachers have added below, it will open a new page, click on retrieve file. It should take you straight to the document

Give it a try
Option 1
Click on the eResources link, put in the ID no. 868 this should access the Products and Services Workbook and assignment. Click on the blue title Promote Products and Services, then click on retrieve file to open the document
Option 2 Click on the eResources link, search for "Products" by typing it in the title box, click on browse then click on the blue title Promote Products and Services, then click on retrieve file to open the document
Option 3 Click on the following link, http://eresources.tafensw.edu.au/search/details.aspx?toShow=868 then click on retrieve file to open the document

Hope this blog proves useful, any feedback, questions and/or comments are most welcome

Monday, June 2, 2008

2673F Poultry and Game

Supporting resources for this unit:

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